What I am finding so interesting as I get to…
Pregnancy After Bypass: Week 9 Pregnancy Diary
Tiredness ruled me in week nine of this pregnancy. No matter how much I sleep or how much rest I get I am exhausted all the time. A couple of nights this week I came home from work and collapsed on the couch where I pretty much stayed until bedtime. This week started with another kids’ party, the kids were well entertained on the playground so I got to sit and chat to a couple of friends for a couple of hours.
The baby started off this week about the size of a cherry. Now that we’re getting through the first trimester it’s developing so much and seemingly so quickly, no wonder I’m so tired. I continued to be super busy at work this week and just getting through the days was an achievement. I had a short work week, I had Friday off to make my little man’s birthday cake. I really enjoyed having the day off and some time to myself. I wasn’t too busy outside of work which is good because I don’t know how I would have coped if I had been.
I spent a few hours decorating my little guys cake, managed to sit down and write out a blog post and even had time to watch a little bit of Netflix which was awesome. It’s got me thinking that towards the end of my pregnancy, maybe the last four weeks or so that I work, I will take a days’ annual leave each week to shorten my weeks. Having a shorter week made such a difference this week and towards the end I think it will make even more of a difference.
The cake, ta daaaaa!
My Mum and Dad came down for the long weekend and our little guys’ birthday party. It was the first time we had seen them in person since we had told them I was pregnant and it was really nice to have them come down. We all traipsed to the zoo on Saturday for the big 5th birthday party and it was fantastic. It was the perfect venue for the age group and apart from the cake, I didn’t have to do a thing which suited me perfectly this year!
After the party we walked around the zoo for a couple of hours and looked at the animals. I did heaps of walking and it felt nice to move around lots again. Exercise has really fallen to the wayside this year. To begin with I was so sick in January and then kept getting hit with different things. Then when I had time to really get back into it again I found out I was pregnant. I don’t want to do nothing my whole pregnancy though. While I won’t run when I’m pregnant, I have visions of the poor baby jiggling around in there, I want to get some regular walking into my routine again so I can start to feel a bit fitter.
I think my boobs got bigger again this week. I was really looking forward to getting pregnant after reaching my goal weight because this whole tennis ball in tube sock boob thing I had going on was not ideal. Now that I’m pregnant and they’re reminiscent of what they were pre surgery I’m surprised at how heavy they are being so much fuller. I think that’s partly what contributes to them getting so sore but then this week they haven’t been as sore which is good.
How far along? Nine weeks now!
How big is the peanut? About the size of a cherry or pecan nut depending on what you read.
Total weight gain/loss? This week my weight went up 800g.
Maternity clothes? Not yet but there’s a couple of tops that are getting a bit tight around my tummy.
Sleep? My sleep was better more days than not this week. I still can’t get enough, no matter how early I go to bed though.
Best moment this week? Seeing my little guy have the best time at his birthday party!
Food cravings? Nothing in particular this week.
What I miss? Hummus, aioli, softly cooked eggs, deli meat, there is so much at this point.
What I’m looking forward to? Seeing my midwife for the first time for this pregnancy next week!
Previous Post: Pregnancy After Bypass: Week 10 Pregnancy Diary