Here are my golden rules for life after gastric bypass…
Pregnancy After Bypass: Week 7 Pregnancy Diary
My seventh week of pregnancy started on Mother’s Day! I had been hanging out for Mother’s Day because we were planning on telling our son and our parents and I couldn’t wait to share the news. Our sons’ reaction was so awesome. At first it took him ages to get what we were going on about and then he wanted to see my fat tummy as proof. We had to explain to him that the baby was still tiny so my tummy hadn’t got big yet.
Then when my parents in law came around for lunch he got to tell them and they were stoked. We talked to my parents later in the evening on FaceTime and my mum didn’t believe him until we showed her the scan picture. He has been talking about babies a lot so she thought it was just his usual carrying on about one day when we have a baby. All of our parents are really excited and it was nice to finally let them in on it.
This week the overwhelming majority says that the baby is the size of a blueberry, there’s one app that tends to put it a bit bigger than the others so I’ll go with the majority. My symptoms have got a bit better this week. I haven’t been nauseous at all this week, although I did have one day where my tummy decided to be difficult and it wasn’t fun. The tiredness hasn’t been quite so bad this week but when I get tired in the evening I tend to crash and burn.
This week was really busy at work again but outside of work we didn’t have much going on which was good. I think it helped me with not feeling quite so tired. I managed to get my final submission for my study done so now I have five weeks of not having to think about it. Since I got it in it’s been such a weight off my mind and by the time it starts up again work won’t be quite so crazy.
My bariatric nurse got in touch with me finally thins week and she had sent me a bloods form just to check everything is okay. She’s also referred me to the dieticians so I will be pleased to get an appointment and be able to talk about the nutrition side of things with them. I got my bloods done on Thursday and my iron levels were high, that’s the first time that’s ever happened, and my protein was a bit on the low side. My GP said I can stop taking my iron supplement until my next bloods so that’s a couple less pills I need to take every day.
On Saturday we had a family lunch with lots of my extended family and we knew we wouldn’t be able to keep our little guy quiet about it so I got to tell my grandmother and some of my aunts, uncles and cousins which was nice. Everyone was really pleased and hoped I was doing well and not feeling too sick. All in all, it was a nice week finally getting to share the news with some of our favourites!
How far along? Seven weeks.
How big is the peanut? It started the week about the size of a blueberry.
Total weight gain/loss? This week my weight went up by 600g.
Sleep? My sleep hasn’t been as broken this week. I had a couple of nights where I was really restless but I got a body/pregnancy pillow from Kmart and it’s made a difference having something to lie against at night time.
Best moment this week? Telling our son and parents the news!
Symptoms? My boobs are still sore and changing lots and my sleep is about the only other thing that’s letting me know I’m pregnant. My nose has picked up this week and gosh some places are not fun to be when things are particularly fragrant.
Food cravings? On Wednesday I HAD to have flavoured milk. I went to the dairy, got some Lime Primo and it hit the spot.
What I miss? Chicken salads made with roast chicken from the supermarket deli. Also the ease of being able to go to Subway if I forget my lunch at work. I went to Altura and had a kids’ bacon and eggs for lunch one day when I forgot my lunch. It was nice but there’s no convenience factor there.
What I’m looking forward to? Getting another week along and closer to my first midwife appointment!
Bump? Not yet but I put the photo I took at four weeks next to the one I took this week and I’m getting a bit of contour to my tummy that’s for sure.
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