17 August 2017 Pregnancy After Bypass: Week 11 Pregnancy Diary This week was quiet on the pregnancy front but so busy in other ways. The tiredness came back to bite me on the ass but… Read More→
10 August 2017 Pregnancy After Bypass: Week 10 Pregnancy Diary This week has been pretty good really. I haven’t suffered so much with the tiredness this week, although it being a short week might have… Read More→
8 August 2017 Pregnancy After Bypass: Week 9 Pregnancy Diary Tiredness ruled me in week nine of this pregnancy. No matter how much I sleep or how much rest I get I am exhausted all… Read More→
3 August 2017 Pregnancy After Bypass: Week 8 Pregnancy Diary I’m eight weeks into this pregnancy and it’s been a pretty normal week for me really. The week started with us having a relaxed day… Read More→
22 June 2017 Melissa Loses It is expanding! Have I got some news for you! Things are expanding around here and when I say things I really mean me. I’m going to be… Read More→