Week 21 of my pregnancy started off well, I had…
Pregnancy after bypass: Week 20 pregnancy diary
Week 20 of my pregnancy was a pretty exciting one! I had my anatomy scan booked for 2.30 pm on Friday and oh my gosh I could not have been more keen to find out what this baby is. I had a really good week with study again this week getting stuff done and often that’s when the baby decides it’s time to move about. This week the baby is about the size of a banana!
I had booked my anatomy scan a few weeks prior and the scan place wouldn’t let me book it until I was 20 weeks at least. I had been wondering for my whole pregnancy so far if this baby was going to be a girl or a boy and finally the day I was going to find out had come. Needless to say the whole day leading up to my scan I was distracted and all up in my own head wondering.
Finally, the time came to go and my colleagues decided that was a good time to make their calls, they all picked a girl because they know how much I was hoping for one. We got there, I got comfy on the bed and covered and gel and one of the first questions the sonographer asked was if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. Yes, we did indeed! One of the first observations she made was that the baby was breech. This was going to make things interesting and difficult for her.
Very quickly she was able to get the business end in view and she asked me what I thought I could see. I replied that I couldn’t see a ‘thingy’ and she said that nope there wasn’t one there. I excitedly asked if that meant the baby was a girl and she said yes! We were all really excited. She was about 99% sure that it’s a girl, but you can never quite confirm it until they’re out can you. The anatomy scan is my favourite because of the level of detail they go into and the things they can see. We got a good look at her and everything looked good but because of her position were unable to get a good view of her heart, kidneys and spine. We needed to make another appointment to come back soon. I made an appointment on my way out for the following Wednesday and hoped we would have better luck then,
We had a really quiet weekend and it was lovely. I needed the rest and it gave me a chance to catch up with everything around the house and get some other jobs done. My 5 year olds toys had been getting out of control so we got big storage bins to put them in and managed to tidy up the house so much it looked like we had been robbed. I guess I’m nesting a bit already because things like that around the house have been driving me slightly more nuts for the last few weeks.
I had my follow up scan on Wednesday and my husband was unable to come along so I asked my parents in law if they wanted to come, of course they did! It was nice to have them there and they enjoyed seeing their 11th grandchild for the first time. This time she had moved and was now lying transverse with her head to my left side. She was still bent in half with her feet up around her ears but with some prodding the sonographer was able to get that she needed. It was nice to see her again and we got some good profile shots of her face this time.
How far along? 20 weeks now. I am officially halfway and it feels good!
How big is the peanut? About the size of a banana. All of her measurements from the scan looked good so that’s reassuring.
Total weight gain/loss? This week I gained 400 grams. I’m glad it slowed a bit because the amount I gained the last few weeks was getting a bit worrying and I don’t want to go too overboard.
Maternity clothes? There’s a few more normal things that just aren’t really working for me anymore. Maternity clothes are featuring more and more in my wardrobe.
Sleep? This week wasn’t a great week for sleep. I think I’ve been a bit more uncomfortable and I’m very conscious of not lying on my back for too long and yeah it’s been a shitty sleep week.
Best moment this week? Finding out that I’m having a girl. I so, so want a daughter and the experience of raising one and I’m glad we don’t have to take the gamble of a third child (and possibly ending up with a third boy) to have one of each.
Symptoms? I’m feeling heaps of movement and I’m getting more and more uncomfortable generally.
Gender? A GIRL!!! I’m just a wee bit excited about this.
What I miss? Caffeinated coffee. Seriously that’s what I’m missing the most. It may have something to do with the awful sleep I had this week.
What I’m looking forward to? The Baby Show next week. I can’t wait to have a look around and get all the things we need for our little girl at bargain prices.
Milestones? Hitting the halfway mark. I’m so glad to feel like I’m finally getting closer to not being pregnant again.
Bump? Oh yes there is definitely one there.
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