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Anchor Protein Plus Yogurt Review
It didn’t take me long to notice that Anchor had released a new Protein Plus Greek style yogurt. Yogurt is something I have pretty much every day now, I tend to make my morning protein shake with it, so I was keen to have a look and try it out.
There are five different flavours a plain unsweetened one, blueberry, strawberry, passionfruit and honey. The different flavours are available in different sizes. In the 180g range you can choose from blueberry, strawberry, passionfruit and the plain unsweetened. In the 950g range you can choose the honey or plain unsweetened. The smallest 180g size is quite a big yogurt serving so when I’m having one of these it’s usually the main part of my meal.
The small tubs have 12-14g of protein per tub which is really good. As per the nutrition label on the back one small tub is one serving size. If I was eating this as a snack I would have half a tub at once, the whole tub leaves me feeling quite full anyway! In terms of sugar content they are all quite high, aside from the plain unsweetened one. The plain unsweetened variety has 2.5g of sugar per 100g and the whole serve has 4.4g of sugar which I think would be coming from the lactose in the milk.
The nutrition panels of the Unsweetened, Blueberry, Passionfruit and Strawberry flavours.
I used the unsweetened one to make my morning protein shake one day and it was so tart and sour I don’t think I will again. I can usually struggle my way through but it was so tart I just couldn’t. I made it with a tub of yogurt, a scoop of Nothing Naughty Egg White Protein, organic cacao and a little bit of Calci Trim milk. There was absolutely no sweetness added to it and it was not for me. I know unsweetened, plain and natural yogurt is the best kind you can eat but I just can’t make myself love it.
My favourite flavour is the strawberry, followed by blueberry and then passionfruit. I haven’t tried the honey one because I’m not usually into flavours like that and I think I will find it a bit too sweet for my tastes. Since I’m needing to get a heap more calcium than usual in my pregnancy and I’m needing to hit the higher end of my protein goal I have been having these as a snack every second day or so and it’s perfect to help me reach both of those goals.
These Anchor Protein Plus Greek style yogurts are a massive hit of protein for a yogurt but the sugar content is a bit higher than I’d like. It’s probably from the fruit and lactose in the milk but if you have to be very careful of your sugar intake it’s something to be aware of. The smaller size retail for around $3 depending on if they are on sale or not.
Is yogurt a part of your post-op bariatric diet? I find it’s something quite easy and convenient to get some protein in. Have you tried these yogurts? What did you think?
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Hi Melissa I find if I stir a teaspoon of berry nutrient rescue powder through it makes it much nicer plus I always add some chopped nuts and seeds. With adding the powder I’m getting more antioxidants into my diet as well
That’s a great idea Merrill, thanks for sharing!
Great healthy yogurt. I am using the unsweetened plain one. Great that its low on sugar and fat. I don’t consume it on it’s own though lol. My nephew got me into trying it out. I used to consume whole egg mayo and butter, not now.
I spread yogurt on my toast now instead of butter. Replaced mayo with yogurt for toppings and salad fillings. Definitely a healthier choice I’d say in my opinion.
Price is quite reasonable
That’s great you’ve found a replacement for butter and mayo that you enjoy.
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