Since my gastric bypass surgery I have a new way…

Pregnancy after bypass: Week 25 pregnancy diary
I spent the first day of this week driving back to Auckland from the far north. We had had a great weekend with my parents but it was nice to head home and back to normality. The highlight for my mum was feeling the baby kick! Mum is the first person to feel her kick from the outside and it was really cool to share that with her. This week the baby is about the size of a lettuce but she’s far more active than a lettuce.
One thing I haven’t really mentioned yet is how emotional I’ve been lately. Pregnancy does some wacky stuff to your hormones and I’ve been getting upset over the dumbest stuff. For example, a few weeks ago my husband said no to me, a bit louder than in a normal talking voice and I cried. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with life in general anyway and it just pushed me over the edge. He felt really bad and has been very helpful since but I did slightly over-react.
Aside from that silly things on TV and such have been making me teary as well. This is something I remember from my first pregnancy and it seems to be affecting me in the same way this time. Luckily, I’ve been able to keep my shit together at work but it is a very concerted effort at times.
The baby is pretty much at the point of viability now. This means if she was born early there would be medical intervention and she would have a decent chance of surviving. Of course being born this early would not be good but it’s really nice to get to this point in my pregnancy and know she’s getting pretty well developed.
My week was pretty quiet this week thankfully. Work was a nice pace and I wasn’t too busy outside of work. I think it made a huge difference not having all sorts of stuff to sort out like getting things fixed etc. My dryer was fixed this week and funnily enough the dishwasher decided to start being difficult the day before the guy came for the dryer so that was fixed too. Trying to get through two weeks near the end of winter without a dryer have not been fun.
It has made such a difference for me this week not having to study in the evenings. Once I’ve got all my normal jobs/chores done I can actually sit down and relax in the evening and it’s been nice. I do like being busy all the time and filling my time with things that are valuable but I’m getting to the point where I need to slow down and at the end of this week I didn’t feel as wiped out as I usually would.
My husband felt the baby kick from the outside on Saturday morning. She’s getting pretty strong now and he had no doubt that it was her he felt. It was pretty special for that to finally happen! Then later in the morning me and the little guy went out for coffee with my grandmother. It was really lovely to see her and have a catch-up and my husband finally got the lawns done after a few months of not being able to because of the lawnmower being broken or it being too wet when he has had the chance to do it. I feel like I’m starting to get everything together for this baby’s arrival and it’s a nice feeling.
How far along? 25 weeks, not much longer until I’m in the third trimester.
How big is the peanut? About the size of a lettuce.
Total weight gain/loss? This week I finally remembered to weigh myself and I had gone up 2.3kg since I last weighed myself.
Sleep? Has been pretty good this week. I’ve been going to bed earlier than usual since I haven’t been studying and it’s been so good for me.
Best moment this week? Having mum and my husband feel the baby move. It’s not our shared little thing anymore but I was pretty keen for others to join the club.
Stretchmarks? I haven’t got any stretchmarks yet. I still have quite a bit of loose skin at the bottom of my tummy so I’m hoping my body will utilise that and I won’t get any new stretchmarks to add to my already extensive collection of them.
What I’m looking forward to? My next midwife appointment next week.
Milestones? Having people feel the baby from the outside.
Bump? It seems to be getting bigger and more in the way by the day at the moment.
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