This week was a big week pregnancy wise. I had…

Pregnancy after bypass: Week 22 pregnancy diary
Week 22 of my pregnancy started with an unexpected free day. My little guy had been invited to a birthday party but it was cancelled as a tummy bug was going through most of the kids that were invited. I had to go and use my free day to go and buy a new washing machine because mine had given up. This week the baby was the size of a papaya and is getting very active.
Going to buy a new appliance is always a long and boring process. I did manage to get one that I could take home that day and I needed to because there was washing to do. It seems nearly everything we own has decided to pack it in or need to be fixed this month. I’m glad it’s happened before I go on parental leave but it’s made for one expensive month. As well as the washing machine we have had to have the lawnmower and both cars fixed.
This week at work was quite good and I didn’t have too much to do outside of work. I got some awesome news at work this week, I got a promotion (basically a title change to recognise my progress) and a pay rise so yippee for me! I am moving to a standing desk next week and I’m glad I’m not going to have to sit all day, it gets so uncomfortable now that my tummy is getting big.
We celebrate Father’s day and Mother’s day one day early in our house. We spend the actual day celebrating our own parents and it’s nice to have a day that’s just for us. On Saturday it was my husband’s Father’s day. We had a nice lazy morning and I made a cooked breakfast. Then we went out to one of my husband’s favourite shops and had a coffee while we were out. I made his request for dinner and our little guy was really good all day which was awesome. It was a nice day for all of us.
This week has been quiet on the pregnancy front. No pregnancy related appointments and it’s been nice not having to rush anywhere or worry about it. The baby has been moving heaps this week and she is getting stronger. Her kicks are starting to take me by surprise sometimes but it’s nice having this little connection with her that’s just between us. My husband still hasn’t been able to feel her from the outside but he’s not patient enough to wait!
How far along? 22 weeks now. I’m getting to the point where sometimes I need to check my pregnancy apps because I forget where I’m up to.
How big is the peanut? About the size of a papaya.
Total weight gain/loss? This week I gained 1kg again. Ugh, I don’t want to put on too much weight overall.
Maternity clothes? I am well and truly into my maternity clothes. If I’m home and don’t have to go out again I’m usually in my pj’s by 4pm now as well.
Sleep? Has been pretty good this week. I’m getting so tired it would be hard not to sleep I think. I’m making the most of it while it lasts.
Best moment this week? Celebrating Father’s day with/for my husband. He’s an awesome Dad and it’s nice to have a day that’s all about him and let him know how much I appreciate him.
Bump? It’s here to stay! It’s getting hard to hide and I feel like I have a beach ball strapped to my tummy all the time now.
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