I recently had a great message sent to my Melissa…

How I feel after 100 days of reaching my 10k step goal
A couple of weeks ago I reached 100 days of hitting my 10k step goal in a row. It felt like such an achievement being so consistent and making sure I got there meant I was a bit more focussed on my step goal than I usually would be. I worked it out and hitting 10k every single day for 100 days means I’ve done over one million steps in those 100 days. That is ridiculous! I wanted to share with you,my awesome readers how I felt after reaching such a massive goal.
When I got my butt back into gear after falling off the exercise wagon over winter I started small and just made sure to get walks in. For the first couple of weeks the only thing I wanted to achieve was to reach my step goal for the day and after hitting it each day for a few weeks it was becoming easier and easier. Once I had a few consecutive weeks under my belt I didn’t want to break the trend so I kept on going. Then I got to seven weeks and realised if I did one more day it would be 50 days in a row.
I got the next day and posted about reaching 50 days of hitting my 10k step goal in a row and then jokingly suggested I should try for 100 days in a row. A few of my Instagram followers encouraged me to do it and because I said on social media that I would try I kinda had to do it didn’t I? The first 50 days were easy and just kind of happened without much thought so I expected the next 50 to be easy as.
In the next 50 days I was ramping up to the Skechers 12k event and I had a walking half marathon that I was working towards too. Then in the process of training I hurt my knee and my running had to take a sideline for a couple of weeks while I focused on getting my knee better. Just as I got over that I got a cold and was out of sorts, and couldn’t do much running, for near on a couple of weeks.
Even with all of this going on and honestly on a few days I hated myself for sticking to it, I kept going and hitting that 10k. Some of the days when I was unwell with that cold I was getting out of breath and dizzy from walking around in circles on the little track I have in my office and I think at that point I really should have given up.
Day 100 came and I was absolutely freaking exhausted. The last few weeks I have been struggling with tiredness and it was only a week before my 100 day goal that I did the Skechers 12k. I hadn’t run 12k before (like ever) and I really underestimated how much of a toll that would take on my body. It took a good three or four days until I felt vaguely human again after that race and I really should have taken it slow, given myself a bit of a rest and not reached my step goal.
Would I rush to do this again? To be honest I would not be in a great hurry to try and do it again. When things in terms of my health and training are going well and are on track doing 10k steps every day is not a big deal. At the end of the 100 days with those challenges thrown in that I wasn’t expecting I’m so tired it’s not funny.
What’s the plan now? I’m going to keep doing my three runs a week and after the half marathon I’ll book another event to keep my running motivation levels up. I’m going to keep being as active as I possibly can but on those days (often a Sunday) when I have only done 2500 steps at 2pm I’m not going to walk for near on an hour to make sure I reach my goal. I think the biggest thing I took away from this challenge was that sometimes it’s good to listen to your body and just sit your butt down and rest.
Do you make a huge effort to reach your step goal every day? Do you know the biggest streak you’ve had in reaching your step goal? Comment below and let me know I’d love to hear if it made you feel amazing like I was expecting to feel!
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