This morning (Sunday 20th March 2016) I did The Color…
My Next Exercise Goal: Walking Stars Half Marathon
You may have already read my exercise goals post and seen that I have been training for the Skechers 6K run that I completed yesterday morning. I already have my sights on my next goal and I have signed up to do the Walking Stars night-time walking half marathon in Auckland on November 28th which is this coming Saturday night!
I never thought I would do a half marathon since it’s a long 21.1 kilometres. Training for a 6K run seems easy and to be honest I haven’t had the lead in and time to train as much as I want for this run but you know what, I do not at all doubt my ability to do this! This is such a difference to previously when there was no way I would have been able to finish it the thought of it alone would have terrified me.
My main motivator in doing this is that my mum has been diagnosed with a rare lymphoma and is currently undergoing chemo. You may have seen in some of my posts on social media that I have said I have had a lot going on and this has been a big part of it. It has been a worrying, stressful time and as many of us do when a close family member is diagnosed with something like this I have felt a bit helpless in the process.
The Cancer Society have been helpful and supportive of our family and doing this to help support them and their efforts in funding money for cancer research is a little way I can help the grander scheme of things. I have set myself a fundraising goal of $1500 and if you can and would like to help me reach it here is the link where you can donate.
By having gastric bypass surgery not only have I reduced my BMI and got myself out of the morbidly obese range I have also reduced my risk for many diseases such as cancer. Of course this doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen but in terms of my long-term health it is another thing I have gained by deciding to change my life with the help of bariatric surgery.
I seem to go hard or go home and have this general approach in life anyway so why not follow-up yesterday’s Skechers 6K run with a half marathon, it’s only three and a half times the distance right? I am really looking forward to doing this in my mum’s honour and raising funds for charity to help cancer research. The fact I don’t at all doubt my physical ability to do this now is amazing and something I am so grateful to have gained.
Have you got any exercise goals or other fitness events coming up soon that you are working hard towards? Comment below and let me know I’d love to know.
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Good on you, although I am terribly sorry to hear about your Mum 🙁 must be such a tough time for everyone.
Thank you Maria, it’s been pretty awful really but everyones support means so much.
You can do this!!!
Thank you Jude, you and me both!