When I set out down this path to have gastric…

Pregnancy after bypass: Week 29 pregnancy diary
My countdown of weeks left at work officially started this week. Seven weeks left. Oh my gosh. Time is starting to move quickly and shit is getting real. I knew I was in for a busy week at work this week. My list making and crossing off is almost getting to the point of being compulsive but I’m really making progress so that’s awesome. The baby is the size of a squash this week, funnily enough I’m starting to feel a bit like a pumpkin!
We had a crucial member of our team at work down from the US to spend time with us this week. This meant a ton of meetings, and lots of guiding decisions being made for our team and product. The software industry is a really interesting place to work and things move fast and can change direction at any given moment. I spent near on five hours in meetings on one particular day but they were all very productive so that made it much easier.
We had a team lunch out one of the days and I spent the rest of my lunchtimes this week either doing blog stuff or getting errands done. When you have so little time and a whole hour for lunch I always use it to get shit done or catch up with a friend. It was all chores this week though and I made good progress on some of my to-do lists. I have finished my “stuff we need for the baby” list so I guess we’re ready for her to make her appearance.
I kept going on my hospital bag list and have added quite a bit more to my bag this week. I’ve also started a new list of online orders I’m waiting on because I don’t want to lose track of anything! Aside from work and getting stuff done this week I haven’t really done too much more.
I have started to feel the strain of being so pregnant this week. I’ve had a few days where the baby must be sitting in an interesting position and no matter where I sit, and no matter how long for my butt hurts when I’m sitting and when I stand up. It’s quite unpleasant and even standing at my desk is not helpful. Sleeping has not been easy this week and I am waking up constantly throughout the night. Some of those times I have really struggled to get back to sleep and it sucks.
I am starting to get so many comments about my bump now. It’s really poking out and is hard to hide. Consequently, I had my first random and unsolicited belly rub today. It’s kinda weird when it happens and I wish people would ask first. From being morbidly obese in the past I still have a thing about people touching my tummy in general. It’s one area I always tried to hide/ignore and someone trying to touch it alarms me a bit. Hopefully my resting bitch face will halt any future attempts to have a rub.
The baby has been super active again this week. If I have my arm resting on my tummy and she kicks it my arm jumps and if I’m looking at my phone it’s quite noticeable. She’s moved again in the last couple of days because while I’ve felt her it’s been a lot less in terms of force and not where the movement has been for the last week or so.
My Boohoo order finally arrived last week! I fit everything apart from one dress (they were all the same size but who knows) and the other two I got have been great for work. I’ve had heaps of nice comments about them, even my husband noticed, and they are so much more comfy and give my tummy room. I can easily wear a dress all day without having to get changed.
How far along? 29 weeks.
How big is the peanut? About the size of a squash.
Total weight gain/loss? This week I went up 400g.
Maternity clothes? Dresses all the way! Even though my maternity jeans were super comfy I find the belly band tight on my tummy and struggle to wear them past 4pm in the afternoon. I’ve ordered another of my favourite dresses from Mrs Smith Maternity and I can’t wait for it to arrive.
Sleep? Has not been great this week.
Best moment this week? I’m starting to get people saying they are going to miss me when I’m off work and it’s nice. I know I’m going to miss them too so will make sure I visit often.
What I miss? My pre-pregnancy clothes. I was looking at the photos we took when I found out I was pregnant and I looked so small! I don’t think I look big now, but gosh I miss not having a huge tummy that bumps into everything.
What I’m looking forward to? Seeing my midwife again next week.
Previous Post: Pregnancy after bypass: Week 30 pregnancy diary