Since having my gastric bypass I have met and become…
Pregnancy after bypass: Week 24 pregnancy diary
Week 24 of my pregnancy was busy, life has not slowed down much lately and I hope it starts calming down before this baby arrives. This baby is certainly making herself known now. She’s moving around lots and some of the time it’s a bit sore or uncomfortable for me. There’s no ignoring that I’m pregnant now and I certainly can’t forget it. The baby is about as big as a rock melon now and that puts into perspective why I’m getting so uncomfortable!
I managed to start the week with a day of not having to leave the house. I made sure to make the absolute most of it because we’re going away next weekend and I’m not going to have the luxury next weekend. I got heaps of food prep done and I did extra baking for the boys’ lunches since I won’t have time next week. I even had some time to sit down and read so it was a good day.
Then the madness of the week started. Monday night I wanted to get my last final submission in for my study so that I’m done before we go away. I managed to get it in and it felt like a huge weight has lifted. This intake has been hard because the workload has increased a lot, pregnancy tiredness has made it more difficult than usual and I wanted to keep my really good grade average up. I’ve done everything I can though so now I can sit back and wait for my results.
Then on Tuesday night I had a coaching session to deliver and a Skype call with one of my tutors and other students. After two hours on Skype after a full day’s work and cooking dinner and other chores I was absolutely spent. I actually felt really awful, I can’t put my finger on why but I have found throughout this pregnancy that when my body has had enough I hit the wall and I hit it hard. I went straight to bed and felt okay the next morning so it must have been rest I needed.
Wednesday was another big day. A busy day at work, and then in the evening it was my son’s school show that the kids had been preparing for, for what seems like months at this point. It ended up being a really late night. We didn’t get home until 10.30pm and after we got him to bed I went straight to bed myself. Luckily, I had Thursday off so we could go away for the weekend and while I didn’t have to rush, my little guy still got up at 6.15 as per usual. Sigh.
I spent Thursday getting ready to get in the car and drive four hours to see my parents once the boys had finished work and school and I even managed to get an episode of Big Little Lies in and sit down for an hour! We had a good drive up and spent a really great weekend with my parents. I got to sit down and chill a bit more than usual since my little guy had different things to entertain him and it was lovely.
How far along? 24 weeks now!
How big is the peanut? About the size of a rock melon , hence my constant state of being uncomfortable.
Total weight gain/loss? I didn’t weigh myself again this week. Since I forgot last week I was keen to see but I totally forgot. Mental note to do it next week!
Sleep? Wasn’t too great this week but it was more down to being in a different bed and having a couple of hard nights with my little guy, change of seasons is never fun for him with his asthma.
Best moment this week? Seeing mum and dad and catching up with them.
What I miss? It would have been nice to celebrate being on a weekend away with a glass of wine but it wasn’t to be.
Milestones? This week is one of the first weeks the baby would be considered viable if she was born early. It’s really cool to cross that mark and have one less thing to worry about.
Bump? Oh yeah, it’s here and it’s here to stay!
Previous Post: Pregnancy after bypass: Week 25 pregnancy diary