I have battled my weight for my whole life, forget…

Pregnancy After Bypass: Week 12 Pregnancy Diary
This week was a big week pregnancy wise. I had my 12 week scan and we announced my pregnancy everywhere! I had a crazy, horrendously busy week at work and did so many more hours than usual. I have been so tired, I was going to try and give up coffee completely this week but it was just not the week to even try.
I started this week with a quiet Sunday at home. I really needed it and it meant I had the time to get everything ready that I needed for the coming week. I cooked up a storm, baked for my boys’ lunches and got myself sorted for the week with lunches and outfits all picked out. This really helps me feel like I have my shit together and got my week off to a good start.
Monday was pretty exciting, I had an appointment to have my 12 week scan. I went and got my blood test done for the combined screening at lunchtime and then later on in the afternoon we went for the scan. This was the first scan we had taken our little guy to and we were really looking forward to him seeing the baby. It held his attention for a couple of minutes and then he was suitably bored.
It was really great to see the little one again. From the last scan where we just saw a blob with a flickering thing (it’s heart) in the middle, this one looked like a baby. The development that’s happened is amazing. The baby was moving around heaps and we could see them swallowing and opening its mouth to put its hand in. The sonographer managed to get a few measurements and then Lucas made me laugh. This made my tummy and the baby bounce around heaps and my tummy started doing some practise contractions and it obscured the view a bit, just as well the measurements had been done.
The baby looked good and there was only one thing of note. It looks like my placenta is adhered to the front of my uterus. The sonographer said that at my 20 week scan they will have a bit more of a better look at it than they would have normally just to make sure it’s functioning properly and that it’s not adhered to my previous c-section scar. It may mean I won’t feel the baby as much over the pregnancy.
Then the next day we started announcing the pregnancy everywhere, here’s my announcement post if you missed it. We told our colleagues at work that day and mine were all really awesome about it. Then that night we put it on Facebook. If you ever want to make Facebook go absolutely crazy then announce something like a pregnancy. I was working because I had to get stuff done and my computer and phone kept dinging at me!
Then on Thursday I announced it here on my blog. I got so many lovely comments from you all and it was nice to see that there’s people interested in following along with my pregnancy. Just like everything else on my blog I really hope the pregnancy related posts reach the people who are interested in them and need them so I will keep it up and let you all along with me on this post-op pregnancy journey, whatever happens!
Last weekend I wore my favourite pair of jeans and they were a bit uncomfortable whenever I was sitting down. I gave in and went to JeansWest and got two pairs of their maternity jeans. I was stoked that the size 10 was perfect (I still can’t get over being a size 10) and I could take one pair with me but they have to ship the second pair from Australia because they didn’t have any in stock in the store (they didn’t charge any extra for that either!) I wore the pair I got for the next three days straight and they are so incredibly comfortable! They have a big belly band and even now without a big round tummy it sits nicely under my clothes. I got two pairs for $109 and I think I will be getting more in the future because I can see myself living in them and they are so reasonably priced.
How far along? 12 weeks!
How big is the peanut? About the size of a plum.
Total weight gain/loss? This week I went up 600g.
Maternity clothes? I got some maternity jeans and I am so glad I did!
Sleep? Has been okay this week, still waking up in the night to pee but still so tired.
Best moment this week? Seeing our little one bouncing around happily in there. The second best was being able to tell everyone and make it common knowledge. It’s been so hard keeping it secret and so nice being able to share our happy news with everyone.
Symptoms? So tired, oh so tired.
Gender? No idea yet but we got asked so many times since we announced it!
What I miss? With the way work was this week I really wanted a wine but of course I couldn’t. Also this week I really missed hummus.
What I’m looking forward to? Getting into the second trimester!
Milestones? Hitting 12 weeks
Bump? Not quite but it can’t be too far away from popping right out.
Previous Post: Gaining weight during pregnancy after gastric bypass