It’s easy to fall back into some not so great…

Pregnancy After Bypass: Week 5 Pregnancy Diary
This week has been quiet on the pregnancy front but hectic everywhere else. The baby started the week around the size of a sesame seed or the size of a peppercorn and boy it was in for some growing this week. This week I’ve been tired, so so tired and even so I’ve managed to drastically reduce my caffeine intake.
We had a quiet weekend this week and I really needed it. I was exhausted after the week and the downtime gave me a good chance to recover. It didn’t last long though because my week was insane. I have so much going on at work at the moment, and will do for a couple of months, and I worked quite a bit extra. This meant when I got home in the evening getting motivation to study was really hard.
The end of my study intake is coming up in a few weeks so I can’t afford to let that slide at the moment. Finally, on Thursday and Friday nights I managed to get a bit done so that means I only have two more final submissions to write and hand in and then I’m done for this intake. I want to get those done in the next week or two so that I have a six week break before my next intake starts.
By that time, I’ll be about 12 weeks pregnant and hopefully the fatigue and tiredness will be nowhere near as bad then. The worst of the crazy busy should be over at work too so that will make life easier if I’m not having to study on top of work mental exhaustion and pregnancy fatigue. I’ve decided I’m going to do another intake of study while I’m pregnant because then by the time the baby comes I’ll be three quarters of the way done with my diploma. I want to try and get as much done as possible, especially now that I’m coaching people, as it will be so much harder to fit in with a baby.
My eating has been good this week. I’m starting to get better at remembering what I should and shouldn’t have and as long as I’m prepared I should get through this okay food wise. I didn’t have my lunch ready for Thursday but then I found some frozen lunch portion leftovers in the freezer and I was stoked I had kept them. I think I’m going to cook a whole lot up and get a good freezer stash going because it’s so important that I eat properly at the moment.
Apart from fatigue and sore boobs (which are getting more sore and getting even bigger) I haven’t had any other pregnancy symptoms this week. I didn’t feel nauseous at all but I have started having a little snack in the morning and afternoon so that my tummy isn’t empty for too long and I really think it’s helped. I got some cashews for the afternoon and I’ve been having a plain biscuit in the morning.
I think it’s become a bit more real this week. I’ve had a couple of weeks to get my head around it and get used to it now. I have my first scan coming up next week and I can’t wait to see the little bean that’s in there! I am a bit anxious, you always worry it might not go how you hope, but I am more excited than anxious at this point. Next week we get to tell our parents and we can’t wait. It will be so good to have our family in on it and be able to show them a scan picture. Next week I’m sure it will all become very, very real!
How far along? Five weeks I think!
How big is the peanut? It depends what you read but the consensus is a sesame seed or a peppercorn.
Total weight gain/loss? I was 700g down on last week’s weight.
Sleep? My sleep has been really broken this week. I’m so tired but I’m uncomfortable and toss and turn all night.
What I miss? Hummus!!!
What I’m looking forward to? I have my first scan coming up next week and I can’t wait! We’re also telling our son and our parents on Mother’s Day and I really can’t wait to share the news with them all.
Bump? Nothing yet, I’m making the most of my flattish tummy while I still have one.
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