I can remember when I first became aware of weight…
Post Gastric Bypass Exercise Goals
If someone had told me two years ago I would have exercise and fitness goals now I would have found it quite funny. After my gastric bypass and as I started losing weight exercise got easier and suddenly walking wasn’t challenging enough for me anymore. I saw on Twitter a few of my friends were doing the Skechers 6k Run so I signed up too.
I had never intentionally ran before and I had six weeks to get myself ready to run 6k! This was the first big exercise goal I set myself post surgery. I trained for six weeks doing three runs a week and over the six weeks I gradually increased the distance I was running. The last run before the Skechers 6k I did 5k all at once for the first time.
I had been training for six weeks on a rather hilly route so on the day of the run I managed to do it in 40 minutes and 30 seconds. I was so proud of myself and was so happy I had managed to finish it. My two goals for that event were 1. To finish and 2. Not come last. I achieved both of those much to my delight.
I’ve signed up to do the run again this year and it feels really good to have a goal again. When I have an event in mind and something to train towards I have just that little bit more motivation and I put a slightly higher priority on my training and making sure I fit it in. It occurred to me I need to set some new goals for this summer so I have something to work towards.
This year I have two goals 1.To better my time from last year and 2. Get my pace back down comfortably under 7 mins per kilometer. I found last year that because the Skechers 6k run course was totally flat I did it quite a bit faster than I had been during training since I train on hilly roads.
Setting yourself a goal gives you something to focus on and work towards. Even better when you achieve it it’s a really great feeling. Now that I have my Fitbit and can track my workouts in even more depth I can get a better picture of how I’m improving.
I am a very goal orientated person and I tend to always make sure I find my exercise challenging and am happy when I can see progress and improvement. 6k is a very achievable distance even for a beginner runner or you can even walk it fast. The Skechers 6k run last year was really fun and I enjoyed it.
There was a great atmosphere and it was a fun event. A few of my friends have already signed up to do it this year and I really can’t wait, it’s going to be fun seeing lots of friendly faces while I’m powering it out. Are you going to be participating? I would really love you to come and say hi if you spot me.
Have I convinced you to start setting exercise goals and to do the Skechers 6k run with me? Comment below and let me know.
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